


enum                SwamiRank;
enum                SwamiObjectFlags;
extern              GQuark swami_object_propbag_quark;
void                swami_type_set_rank                 (GType type,
                                                         GType group_type,
                                                         int rank);
int                 swami_type_get_rank                 (GType type,
                                                         GType group_type);
GType *             swami_type_get_children             (GType group_type);
GType               swami_type_get_default              (GType group_type);
void                swami_object_set_default            (GObject *object,
                                                         GType type);
GObject *           swami_object_get_by_name            (GObject *object,
                                                         const char *name);
IpatchList *        swami_object_find_by_type           (GObject *object,
                                                         const char *type_name);
GObject *           swami_object_get_by_type            (GObject *object,
                                                         const char *type_name);
void                swami_object_get_valist             (GObject *object,
                                                         const char *first_property_name,
                                                         va_list var_args);
void                swami_object_get_property           (GObject *object,
                                                         const char *property_name,
                                                         GValue *value);
void                swami_object_get                    (gpointer object,
                                                         const char *first_prop_name,
void                swami_object_set_valist             (GObject *object,
                                                         const char *first_property_name,
                                                         va_list var_args);
void                swami_object_set_property           (GObject *object,
                                                         const char *property_name,
                                                         const GValue *value);
void                swami_object_set                    (gpointer object,
                                                         const char *first_prop_name,
GParamSpec *        swami_find_object_property          (const char *property_name);
GParamSpec **       swami_list_object_properties        (guint *n_properties);
guint               swami_object_get_flags              (GObject *object);
void                swami_object_set_flags              (GObject *object,
                                                         guint flags);
void                swami_object_clear_flags            (GObject *object,
                                                         guint flags);
void                swami_object_set_origin             (GObject *obj,
                                                         GObject *origin);
GObject *           swami_object_get_origin             (GObject *obj);




typedef struct {
  SwamiRoot *root;		/* parent swami root object */
  char *name;			/* Swami object property name */
  guint8 rank;			/* Swami object rank property */
  guint8 flags;			/* Swami object flags property */
  guint16 reserved;
} SwamiObjectPropBag;

enum SwamiRank

typedef enum
  SWAMI_RANK_LOW     = 25,
  SWAMI_RANK_NORMAL  = 50, /* NORMAL default value */
  SWAMI_RANK_DEFAULT = 60, /* value to elect default objects */
  SWAMI_RANK_HIGH    = 75,
} SwamiRank;

enum SwamiObjectFlags

typedef enum /*< flags >*/
  SWAMI_OBJECT_SAVE = 1 << 0, /* flags if object state should be saved */
  SWAMI_OBJECT_USER = 1 << 1 /* user visable object (in tree view, etc) */
} SwamiObjectFlags;


extern GQuark swami_object_propbag_quark;

swami_type_set_rank ()

void                swami_type_set_rank                 (GType type,
                                                         GType group_type,
                                                         int rank);

Sets the ranking of instance GTypes derived from an ancestor group_type. This is useful to set a default instance type or to define order to types. An example of use would be to set a higher rank on a plugin wavetable type to cause it to be used when creating a default wavetable instance.

type :

Type to set rank value of

group_type :

An ancestor type of type

rank :

Rank value (see SwamiRank enum).

swami_type_get_rank ()

int                 swami_type_get_rank                 (GType type,
                                                         GType group_type);

Gets the instance rank of the given type derived from a group_type. See swami_type_set_rank() for more info.

type :

Instance type to get rank of

group_type :

Ancestor group type

Returns :

Rank value (SWAMI_RANK_NORMAL if not explicitly set).

swami_type_get_children ()

GType *             swami_type_get_children             (GType group_type);

Gets an array of types that are derived from group_type, sorted by rank. For types that have not had their rank explicitly set SWAMI_RANK_NORMAL will be assumed.

group_type :

Group type to get derived types from

Returns :

Newly allocated and zero terminated array of GTypes sorted by rank or NULL if no types found. Should be freed when finished.

swami_type_get_default ()

GType               swami_type_get_default              (GType group_type);

Gets the default (highest ranked) type derived from a group_type. Like swami_type_get_children() but returns first type instead of an array.

group_type :

Group type to get default (highest ranked) instance type from

Returns :

GType of default type or 0 if no types derived from group_type.

swami_object_set_default ()

void                swami_object_set_default            (GObject *object,
                                                         GType type);

Set an object as default amongst its peers of the same type. Uses the Swami rank system (see "rank" Swami property) to elect a default object. All other object's registered to the same SwamiRoot and of the same type (or derived thereof) are set to SWAMI_RANK_NORMAL and the object's rank is set higher.

object :

Object to set as default

type :

A type that object is derived from (or its type)

swami_object_get_by_name ()

GObject *           swami_object_get_by_name            (GObject *object,
                                                         const char *name);

Finds an object by its Swami name property, searches recursively through object tree. The object can be either a SwamiRoot or, as an added convenience, an object registered to one.

object :

Swami root object (SwamiRoot) or an object added to one

name :

Name to look for

Returns :

Object that matched name or NULL if not found. Remember to unref it when finished.

swami_object_find_by_type ()

IpatchList *        swami_object_find_by_type           (GObject *object,
                                                         const char *type_name);

Lookup all objects by type_name or derived from type_name recursively. The object can be either a SwamiRoot or, as an added convenience, an object registered to one. The returned iterator list is sorted by Swami rank (see "rank" Swami property).

object :

Swami root object (SwamiRoot) or an object added to one

type_name :

Name of GObject derived GType of objects to search for, objects derived from this type will also match.

Returns :

New list of objects of type_name and/or derived from it or NULL if no matches to that type. The returned list has a reference count of 1 which the caller owns, remember to unref it when finished.

swami_object_get_by_type ()

GObject *           swami_object_get_by_type            (GObject *object,
                                                         const char *type_name);

Lookup the highest ranking (see "rank" Swami property) object of the given type_name or derived from it. The returned object's reference count is incremented and the caller is responsible for removing it with g_object_unref when finished with it.

object :

Swami root object (SwamiRoot) or an object added to one

type_name :

Name of GObject derived GType to search for

Returns :

The highest ranking object of the given type or NULL if none. Remember to unreference it when done.

swami_object_get_valist ()

void                swami_object_get_valist             (GObject *object,
                                                         const char *first_property_name,
                                                         va_list var_args);

Get Swami properties from an object.

object :

An object

first_property_name :

Name of first Swami property to get

var_args :

Pointer to store first property value in followed by property name pointer pairs, terminated with a NULL property name.

swami_object_get_property ()

void                swami_object_get_property           (GObject *object,
                                                         const char *property_name,
                                                         GValue *value);

Get a Swami property from an object.

object :

An object

property_name :

Name of Swami property to get

value :

An initialized value to store the property value in. The value's type must be a type that the property can be transformed to.

swami_object_get ()

void                swami_object_get                    (gpointer object,
                                                         const char *first_prop_name,

Get multiple Swami properties from an object.

object :

A GObject

first_prop_name :

Name of first Swami property to get

... :

First value should be a pointer to store the first property value into followed by property name and pointer pairs, terminated by a NULL property name.

swami_object_set_valist ()

void                swami_object_set_valist             (GObject *object,
                                                         const char *first_property_name,
                                                         va_list var_args);

Set Swami properties of an object.

object :

An object

first_property_name :

Name of first Swami property to set

var_args :

Pointer to get first property value from followed by property name pointer pairs, terminated with a NULL property name.

swami_object_set_property ()

void                swami_object_set_property           (GObject *object,
                                                         const char *property_name,
                                                         const GValue *value);

Set a Swami property of an object.

object :

An object

property_name :

Name of Swami property to set

value :

Value to set the property to. The value's type must be the same as the property's type.

swami_object_set ()

void                swami_object_set                    (gpointer object,
                                                         const char *first_prop_name,

Set multiple Swami properties on an object.

object :

A GObject

first_prop_name :

Name of first Swami property to set

... :

First parameter should be the value to set the first property value to followed by property name and pointer pairs, terminated by a NULL property name.

swami_find_object_property ()

GParamSpec *        swami_find_object_property          (const char *property_name);

Find a Swami property.

property_name :

Name of Swami property to find

Returns :

Parameter spec with property_name or NULL if not found. Returned parameter spec is internal and should not be modified or freed.

swami_list_object_properties ()

GParamSpec **       swami_list_object_properties        (guint *n_properties);

Get the list of Swami properties.

n_properties :

Location to store number of param specs or NULL

Returns :

A NULL terminated array of GParamSpecs. Free the array when finished with it, but don't mess with the contents.

swami_object_get_flags ()

guint               swami_object_get_flags              (GObject *object);

Get Swami flags from an object (see SwamiObjectFlags).

object :

Object to get Swami flags from

Returns :

The flags value.

swami_object_set_flags ()

void                swami_object_set_flags              (GObject *object,
                                                         guint flags);

Sets Swami flags in an object. Flag bits are only set, not cleared.

object :

Object to set Swami flags on

flags :

Flags to set

swami_object_clear_flags ()

void                swami_object_clear_flags            (GObject *object,
                                                         guint flags);

Clears Swami flags in an object. Flag bits are only cleared, not set.

object :

Object to clear Swami flags on

flags :

Flags to clear

swami_object_set_origin ()

void                swami_object_set_origin             (GObject *obj,
                                                         GObject *origin);

This is used for associating an origin object to another object. Currently this is only used for GtkList item selections. The current active item selection is assigned to the swamigui_root object. In order to determine what GUI widget is the source, this function can be used to associate the widget object with the GtkList selection (for example the SwamiguiTree or SwamiguiSplits widgets). In this way, only the selection needs to be assigned to the root object and the source widget can be determined.

obj :

Object to assign origin object value

origin :

Value to assign as the origin

swami_object_get_origin ()

GObject *           swami_object_get_origin             (GObject *obj);

See swamigui_object_set_origin() for more details.

obj :

Object to get the origin object of

Returns :

The origin object of obj or NULL if no origin object assigned. The caller owns a reference to the returned object and should unref it when finished.