
IpatchDLSReader — DLS version 2 file reader

Stability Level

Stable, unless otherwise indicated


#define             IPATCH_DLS_READER_ERROR
enum                IpatchDLSReaderError;
IpatchDLSReader *   ipatch_dls_reader_new               (IpatchFileHandle *handle);
IpatchDLS2 *        ipatch_dls_reader_load              (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            ipatch_dls_reader_start             (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         GError **err);
void                ipatch_dls_reader_set_pool_table    (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         const guint32 pool_table[],
                                                         guint size);
gboolean            ipatch_dls_reader_fixup             (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            ipatch_dls_reader_load_level_0      (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            ipatch_dls_reader_load_inst_list    (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            ipatch_dls_reader_load_region_list  (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         IpatchDLS2Inst *inst,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            ipatch_gig_reader_load_region_list  (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         IpatchGigInst *giginst,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            ipatch_dls_reader_load_art_list     (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         GSList **conn_list,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            ipatch_dls_reader_load_wave_pool    (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            ipatch_gig_reader_load_sub_regions  (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         IpatchGigRegion *region,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            ipatch_gig_reader_load_inst_lart    (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         IpatchGigInst *inst,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            ipatch_dls_load_info                (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         IpatchDLS2Info **info,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            ipatch_dls_load_region_header       (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         IpatchDLS2Region *region,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            ipatch_gig_load_region_header       (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         IpatchGigRegion *region,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            ipatch_dls_load_wave_link           (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         IpatchDLS2Region *region,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            ipatch_dls_load_sample_info         (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         IpatchDLS2SampleInfo *info,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            ipatch_dls_load_connection          (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         GSList **conn_list,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            ipatch_dls_load_sample_format       (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         IpatchDLS2Sample *sample,
                                                         int *bitwidth,
                                                         int *channels,
                                                         GError **err);
guint32 *           ipatch_dls_load_pool_table          (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         guint *size,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            ipatch_dls_load_dlid                (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         guint8 *dlid,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            ipatch_gig_load_sample_info         (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         IpatchDLS2SampleInfo *info,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            ipatch_gig_load_dimension_info      (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         IpatchGigRegion *region,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            ipatch_gig_load_dimension_names     (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         IpatchGigRegion *region,
                                                         GError **err);
gboolean            ipatch_gig_load_group_names         (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         GSList **name_list,
                                                         GError **err);

Object Hierarchy



Parses a DLS file into an object tree (IpatchDLS).



#define IPATCH_DLS_READER_ERROR  ipatch_dls_reader_error_quark()

enum IpatchDLSReaderError

typedef enum
  /* this error is returned if a file originally thought to be a plain DLS
     file turns out to be a GigaSampler file, in which case loading should
     be restarted in GigaSampler mode */
} IpatchDLSReaderError;


typedef struct _IpatchDLSReader IpatchDLSReader;

ipatch_dls_reader_new ()

IpatchDLSReader *   ipatch_dls_reader_new               (IpatchFileHandle *handle);

Create a new DLS file reader

handle :

DLS file handle to parse or NULL to set later

Returns :

The new DLS reader

ipatch_dls_reader_load ()

IpatchDLS2 *        ipatch_dls_reader_load              (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         GError **err);

Load a DLS file.

reader :

DLS reader object

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

New DLS object with refcount of 1.

ipatch_dls_reader_start ()

gboolean            ipatch_dls_reader_start             (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         GError **err);

Starts parsing a DLS/Gig file. This function only needs to be called if using an IpatchDLSReader without ipatch_dls_load() (custom readers). The file object of the reader must be set before calling this function. Loads the first "DLS" RIFF chunk to verify we are loading a DLS file and sets other internal variables.

reader :

DLS/Gig reader

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise

ipatch_dls_reader_set_pool_table ()

void                ipatch_dls_reader_set_pool_table    (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         const guint32 pool_table[],
                                                         guint size);

Set the pool table of a DLS/Gig reader. This function is only used when doing manual DLS loading (not using ipatch_dls_load()). The pool table is used to fixup region sample references which are indexes into the pool table.

reader :

DLS/Gig reader

pool_table :

An array of unsigned 32 bit integers which are file offsets to samples in a DLS file, can be NULL if size is 0

size :

Number of entries in pool_table

ipatch_dls_reader_fixup ()

gboolean            ipatch_dls_reader_fixup             (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         GError **err);

Fixup sample pointers in DLS/GigaSampler regions of the DLS object in reader. The sample pointers should be sample pool indexes previously stored by ipatch_dls_load_wave_link() or ipatch_gig_load_dimension_info(). The pool table must also have been previously loaded for this to make any sense.

reader :

DLS/Gig reader

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise

ipatch_dls_reader_load_level_0 ()

gboolean            ipatch_dls_reader_load_level_0      (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         GError **err);

Load the top level DLS chunk of a DLS or GigaSampler file (essentially the entire file except the toplevel chunk itself).

reader :

DLS/Gig reader

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (in which case err may be set).

ipatch_dls_reader_load_inst_list ()

gboolean            ipatch_dls_reader_load_inst_list    (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         GError **err);

Loads DLS or GigaSampler instrument list from the current position in the file assigned to reader.

reader :

DLS/Gig reader

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (in which case err may be set).

ipatch_dls_reader_load_region_list ()

gboolean            ipatch_dls_reader_load_region_list  (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         IpatchDLS2Inst *inst,
                                                         GError **err);

Loads DLS region list into an inst object from the current position in the file assigned to reader.

reader :

DLS reader

inst :

DLS instrument to fill with loaded regions

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (in which case err may be set).

ipatch_gig_reader_load_region_list ()

gboolean            ipatch_gig_reader_load_region_list  (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         IpatchGigInst *giginst,
                                                         GError **err);

Loads GigaSampler region list into an inst object from the current position in the file assigned to reader.

reader :

DLS/Gig reader

giginst :

Gig instrument to fill with loaded regions

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (in which case err may be set).

ipatch_dls_reader_load_art_list ()

gboolean            ipatch_dls_reader_load_art_list     (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         GSList **conn_list,
                                                         GError **err);

Loads DLS or GigaSampler articulator list from the current position in the file assigned to reader.

reader :

DLS/Gig reader

conn_list :

Pointer to a list to populate

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (in which case err may be set).

ipatch_dls_reader_load_wave_pool ()

gboolean            ipatch_dls_reader_load_wave_pool    (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         GError **err);

Loads DLS or GigaSampler wave pool ("wvpl" chunk) from the current position in the file assigned to reader. Populates the reader wave pool hash with sample offsets for later fixup.

reader :

DLS/Gig reader

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (in which case err may be set).

ipatch_gig_reader_load_sub_regions ()

gboolean            ipatch_gig_reader_load_sub_regions  (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         IpatchGigRegion *region,
                                                         GError **err);

Loads GigaSampler sub regions ("3prg" chunk) from the current position in the file assigned to reader.

reader :

Gig reader

region :

Gig region to load GigaSampler sub regions into

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (in which case err may be set).

ipatch_gig_reader_load_inst_lart ()

gboolean            ipatch_gig_reader_load_inst_lart    (IpatchDLSReader *reader,
                                                         IpatchGigInst *inst,
                                                         GError **err);

Loads a GigaSampler global parameter chunk '3ewg' from an instrument 'lart' list.

reader :

Gig reader

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (in which case err may be set).

ipatch_dls_load_info ()

gboolean            ipatch_dls_load_info                (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         IpatchDLS2Info **info,
                                                         GError **err);

Loads DLS or GigaSampler info from the current position in the file assigned to riff.

riff :

RIFF parser

info :

Pointer to DLS info list

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (in which case err may be set).

ipatch_dls_load_region_header ()

gboolean            ipatch_dls_load_region_header       (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         IpatchDLS2Region *region,
                                                         GError **err);

Loads DLS instrument region header ("rgnh" chunk) from the current position in the file assigned to riff. The "rgnh" chunk header should have already been loaded.

riff :

RIFF parser

region :

DLS region to store header info in

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (in which case err may be set).

ipatch_gig_load_region_header ()

gboolean            ipatch_gig_load_region_header       (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         IpatchGigRegion *region,
                                                         GError **err);

Loads GigaSampler instrument region header ("rgnh" chunk) from the current position in the file assigned to riff. The "rgnh" chunk header should have already been loaded.

riff :

RIFF parser

region :

Gig region to store header info in

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (in which case err may be set).

ipatch_dls_load_wave_link ()

gboolean            ipatch_dls_load_wave_link           (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         IpatchDLS2Region *region,
                                                         GError **err);

Loads DLS wave link chunk ("wlnk" chunk) from the current position in the file assigned to riff. The "wlnk" chunk header should have already been loaded.

NOTE: Sample pool index is stored in region sample pointer. This index should be fixed up or cleared before the region is freed otherwise bad things will happen.

riff :

RIFF parser

region :

DLS region to load info into

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (in which case err may be set).

ipatch_dls_load_sample_info ()

gboolean            ipatch_dls_load_sample_info         (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         IpatchDLS2SampleInfo *info,
                                                         GError **err);

Loads DLS or GigaSampler sample info ("wsmp" chunk) from the current position in the file assigned to riff. The "wsmp" chunk header should already have been loaded.

riff :

RIFF parser

info :

Sample info structure to load info into

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (in which case err may be set).

ipatch_dls_load_connection ()

gboolean            ipatch_dls_load_connection          (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         GSList **conn_list,
                                                         GError **err);

Load a DLS articulator chunk ("art1" or "art2") containing connection blocks which are loded into conn_list. The articulation chunk header should already have been loaded.

riff :

RIFF parser

conn_list :

Pointer to a list to populate with loaded IpatchDLS2Conn structures.

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (in which case err may be set).

ipatch_dls_load_sample_format ()

gboolean            ipatch_dls_load_sample_format       (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         IpatchDLS2Sample *sample,
                                                         int *bitwidth,
                                                         int *channels,
                                                         GError **err);

Parses DLS sample format info ("fmt " chunk) from the current position in the file assigned to the riff (chunk header should already be loaded).

riff :

RIFF parser

sample :

DLS sample to load data into

bitwidth :

Pointer to an integer to fill with the sample's bit width or NULL

channels :

Pointer to an integer to fill with the number of channels or NULL

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE on error (in which case err may be set).

ipatch_dls_load_pool_table ()

guint32 *           ipatch_dls_load_pool_table          (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         guint *size,
                                                         GError **err);

Load a sample pool table ("ptbl" chunk) of a DLS or GigaSampler file from the current position in the file assigned to riff (chunk header should already be loaded).

riff :

RIFF parser

size :

Pointer to an unsigned integer to store number of entries in returned pool table array

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

A newly allocated array of 32bit integers for each entry in the pool table, or NULL if empty pool table or on error (in which case err may be set). Free the table when finished with it.

ipatch_dls_load_dlid ()

gboolean            ipatch_dls_load_dlid                (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         guint8 *dlid,
                                                         GError **err);

Load a DLSID from the current position in a riff object. This is a 16 byte unique ID used for tracking data changes. The "dlid" header should have already been loaded.

riff :

Riff parser

dlid :

Location to store 16 byte DLSID

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise

ipatch_gig_load_sample_info ()

gboolean            ipatch_gig_load_sample_info         (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         IpatchDLS2SampleInfo *info,
                                                         GError **err);

Load Gig sample info ("smpl" chunk) from current position in file assigned to riff (chunk header should already be loaded).

riff :

RIFF parser

info :

DLS sample info to load data into

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE on error (in which case err may be set).

ipatch_gig_load_dimension_info ()

gboolean            ipatch_gig_load_dimension_info      (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         IpatchGigRegion *region,
                                                         GError **err);

Load Gigasampler dimension info ("3lnk" chunk), from the current position in the file assigned to riff (chunk header should already be loaded).

NOTE: Sample pool table indexes are stored in the sample pointer of sub regions. These indexes should be fixed up or cleared before the region is freed, otherwise bad things will happen.

riff :

RIFF parser

region :

Region to load data into

err :

Location to store an error or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE on error (in which case err may be set).

ipatch_gig_load_dimension_names ()

gboolean            ipatch_gig_load_dimension_names     (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         IpatchGigRegion *region,
                                                         GError **err);

Loads Gigasampler dimension names from the current position in the file assigned to riff. The "3dnl" chunk header should already have been loaded.

riff :

RIFF parser

region :

Gig region to load names into

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise (in which case err may be set).

ipatch_gig_load_group_names ()

gboolean            ipatch_gig_load_group_names         (IpatchRiff *riff,
                                                         GSList **name_list,
                                                         GError **err);

Load a '3gri' sample group name chunk into a GSList of strings. The 3gri chunk header should have already been loaded.

riff :

Riff parser

name_list :

List to add names to

err :

Location to store error info or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise

See Also
