
IpatchSF2Sample — SoundFont audio sample

Stability Level

Stable, unless otherwise indicated


enum                IpatchSF2SampleChannel;
#define             IPATCH_SF2_SAMPLE_RATE_MIN
#define             IPATCH_SF2_SAMPLE_RATE_MAX
#define             IPATCH_SF2_SAMPLE_LENGTH_MIN
#define             IPATCH_SF2_SAMPLE_FLAG_ROM
IpatchSF2Sample *   ipatch_sf2_sample_new               (void);
IpatchSF2Sample *   ipatch_sf2_sample_first             (IpatchIter *iter);
IpatchSF2Sample *   ipatch_sf2_sample_next              (IpatchIter *iter);
void                ipatch_sf2_sample_set_name          (IpatchSF2Sample *sample,
                                                         const char *name);
char *              ipatch_sf2_sample_get_name          (IpatchSF2Sample *sample);
void                ipatch_sf2_sample_set_data          (IpatchSF2Sample *sample,
                                                         IpatchSampleData *sampledata);
IpatchSampleData *  ipatch_sf2_sample_get_data          (IpatchSF2Sample *sample);
IpatchSampleData *  ipatch_sf2_sample_peek_data         (IpatchSF2Sample *sample);
void                ipatch_sf2_sample_set_linked        (IpatchSF2Sample *sample,
                                                         IpatchSF2Sample *linked);
IpatchSF2Sample *   ipatch_sf2_sample_get_linked        (IpatchSF2Sample *sample);
IpatchSF2Sample *   ipatch_sf2_sample_peek_linked       (IpatchSF2Sample *sample);
void                ipatch_sf2_sample_set_blank         (IpatchSF2Sample *sample);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

IpatchSF2Sample implements IpatchSample.


  "channel"                  IpatchSF2SampleChannel  : Read / Write
  "fine-tune"                gint                  : Read / Write
  "linked-sample"            IpatchSF2Sample*      : Read / Write
  "loop-end"                 guint                 : Read / Write
  "loop-start"               guint                 : Read / Write
  "name"                     gchar*                : Read / Write
  "rom"                      gboolean              : Read / Write
  "root-note"                gint                  : Read / Write
  "sample-data"              IpatchSampleData*     : Read / Write
  "sample-rate"              gint                  : Read / Write


SoundFont samples are children of IpatchSF2 objects and are referenced by IpatchSF2IZone objects. They define the audio which is synthesized.



typedef struct _IpatchSF2Sample IpatchSF2Sample;

enum IpatchSF2SampleChannel

typedef enum
} IpatchSF2SampleChannel;

Sample channel orientation.


Mono sample


Left channel of a stereo pair ("linked-sample" will be set to the right channel)


Right channel of a stereo pair ("linked-sample" will be set to the left channel)


#define IPATCH_SF2_SAMPLE_RATE_MIN 400 /* min sample rate (by standard) */


#define IPATCH_SF2_SAMPLE_RATE_MAX 50000 /* max rate (by the standard) */


#define IPATCH_SF2_SAMPLE_LENGTH_MIN 32 /* min length (by the standard) */





ipatch_sf2_sample_new ()

IpatchSF2Sample *   ipatch_sf2_sample_new               (void);

Create a new SoundFont sample object.

Returns :

New SoundFont sample with a reference count of 1. Caller owns the reference and removing it will destroy the item, unless another reference is added (if its parented for example).

ipatch_sf2_sample_first ()

IpatchSF2Sample *   ipatch_sf2_sample_first             (IpatchIter *iter);

Gets the first item in a sample iterator. A convenience wrapper for ipatch_iter_first().

iter :

Patch item iterator containing IpatchSF2Sample items

Returns :

The first sample in iter or NULL if empty.

ipatch_sf2_sample_next ()

IpatchSF2Sample *   ipatch_sf2_sample_next              (IpatchIter *iter);

Gets the next item in a sample iterator. A convenience wrapper for ipatch_iter_next().

iter :

Patch item iterator containing IpatchSF2Sample items

Returns :

The next sample in iter or NULL if at the end of the list.

ipatch_sf2_sample_set_name ()

void                ipatch_sf2_sample_set_name          (IpatchSF2Sample *sample,
                                                         const char *name);

Sets the name of a SoundFont sample.

sample :

Sample to set name of

name :

Value to set name to

ipatch_sf2_sample_get_name ()

char *              ipatch_sf2_sample_get_name          (IpatchSF2Sample *sample);

Gets the name of a SoundFont sample.

sample :

Sample to get name of

Returns :

Name of sample or NULL if not set. String value should be freed when finished with it.

ipatch_sf2_sample_set_data ()

void                ipatch_sf2_sample_set_data          (IpatchSF2Sample *sample,
                                                         IpatchSampleData *sampledata);

Set a sample's sample data object.

sample :

Sample to set sample data of

sampledata :

Sample data to set sample to

ipatch_sf2_sample_get_data ()

IpatchSampleData *  ipatch_sf2_sample_get_data          (IpatchSF2Sample *sample);

Get the IpatchSampleData item of a sample. Sample data item is referenced before returning and caller is responsible for unreferencing it with g_object_unref() when finished with it.

sample :

Sample to get sample data from

Returns :

Sample data object of sample or NULL if none. Remember to unreference with g_object_unref() when finished with it.

ipatch_sf2_sample_peek_data ()

IpatchSampleData *  ipatch_sf2_sample_peek_data         (IpatchSF2Sample *sample);

Get the IpatchSampleData item of a sample. Like ipatch_sf2_sample_get_data() but sample data object is not referenced. This function should only be used if a reference of the sample data object is ensured or only the pointer value is of importance.

sample :

Sample to get sample data from

Returns :

Sample data object of sample or NULL if none. Remember that a reference is NOT added.

ipatch_sf2_sample_set_linked ()

void                ipatch_sf2_sample_set_linked        (IpatchSF2Sample *sample,
                                                         IpatchSF2Sample *linked);

Sets the stereo linked sample of a sample item.

sample :

Sample to set linked sample of

linked :

Sample that is stereo linked to sample or NULL to unset.

ipatch_sf2_sample_get_linked ()

IpatchSF2Sample *   ipatch_sf2_sample_get_linked        (IpatchSF2Sample *sample);

Get the stereo linked sample from sample. If a sample is returned the caller owns a reference and should unref it with g_object_unref() when finished with it.

sample :

Sample to get linked sample from

Returns :

The linked stereo sample or NULL if no linked sample. Remember to unref the returned sample with g_object_unref() when finished with it.

ipatch_sf2_sample_peek_linked ()

IpatchSF2Sample *   ipatch_sf2_sample_peek_linked       (IpatchSF2Sample *sample);

Get the stereo linked sample from sample. Like ipatch_sf2_sample_get_linked() but sample object is not referenced. This function should only be used if a reference of the sample object is ensured or only the pointer value is of importance.

sample :

Sample to get linked sample from

Returns :

Linked sample object of sample or NULL if none. Remember that a reference is NOT added.

ipatch_sf2_sample_set_blank ()

void                ipatch_sf2_sample_set_blank         (IpatchSF2Sample *sample);

Set the sample data of a sample item to blank data.

sample :

Sample to set to blank sample data

Property Details

The "channel" property

  "channel"                  IpatchSF2SampleChannel  : Read / Write

Channel orientation.


The "fine-tune" property

  "fine-tune"                gint                  : Read / Write

Fine tuning in cents.

Allowed values: [-99,99]

Default value: 0

The "linked-sample" property

  "linked-sample"            IpatchSF2Sample*      : Read / Write

Stereo linked sample object.

The "loop-end" property

  "loop-end"                 guint                 : Read / Write

Loop end in frames (after loop).

Default value: 0

The "loop-start" property

  "loop-start"               guint                 : Read / Write

Start of loop in frames.

Default value: 0

The "name" property

  "name"                     gchar*                : Read / Write


Default value: NULL

The "rom" property

  "rom"                      gboolean              : Read / Write

ROM sample flag.

Default value: FALSE

The "root-note" property

  "root-note"                gint                  : Read / Write

Root MIDI note.

Allowed values: [0,127]

Default value: 60

The "sample-data" property

  "sample-data"              IpatchSampleData*     : Read / Write

Sample data.

The "sample-rate" property

  "sample-rate"              gint                  : Read / Write

Sampling rate in Hertz.

Allowed values: [8000,192000]

Default value: 44100

See Also

IpatchSF2, IpatchSF2IZone