
IpatchVBank — Virtual bank object

Stability Level

Stable, unless otherwise indicated


#define             IPATCH_VBANK_INFO_COUNT
IpatchVBank *       ipatch_vbank_new                    (void);
#define             ipatch_vbank_get_insts              (vbank)
IpatchVBankInst *   ipatch_vbank_find_inst              (IpatchVBank *vbank,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         int bank,
                                                         int program,
                                                         const IpatchVBankInst *exclude);
char *              ipatch_vbank_make_unique_name       (IpatchVBank *vbank,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         const IpatchVBankInst *exclude);

Object Hierarchy



  "author"                   gchar*                : Read / Write
  "comment"                  gchar*                : Read / Write
  "date"                     gchar*                : Read / Write
  "engine"                   gchar*                : Read / Write
  "name"                     gchar*                : Read / Write
  "parser-version"           gchar*                : Read / Write
  "require-version"          gchar*                : Read / Write


Virtual banks provide the capability of creating new instrument MIDI maps from components from other files of possibly different types.




Count of info strings


typedef struct _IpatchVBank IpatchVBank;



Current IVBank parser version.

ipatch_vbank_new ()

IpatchVBank *       ipatch_vbank_new                    (void);

Create a new virtual bank base object.

Returns :

New IVBank base object with a reference count of 1. Caller owns the reference and removing it will destroy the item.


#define             ipatch_vbank_get_insts(vbank)

ipatch_vbank_find_inst ()

IpatchVBankInst *   ipatch_vbank_find_inst              (IpatchVBank *vbank,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         int bank,
                                                         int program,
                                                         const IpatchVBankInst *exclude);

Find an instrument by name or bank:preset MIDI numbers. If instrument name and bank:program are specified then match for either condition. If an instrument is found its reference count is incremented before it is returned. The caller is responsible for removing the reference with g_object_unref() when finished with it.

vbank :

VBank to search in

name :

Name of instrument to find or NULL to match any name

bank :

MIDI bank number of instrument to search for or -1 to not search by MIDI bank:program numbers

program :

MIDI program number of instrument to search for, only used if bank is 0-128

exclude :

An instrument to exclude from the search or NULL

Returns :

The matching instrument or NULL if not found. Remember to unref the item when finished with it.

ipatch_vbank_make_unique_name ()

char *              ipatch_vbank_make_unique_name       (IpatchVBank *vbank,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         const IpatchVBankInst *exclude);

Generates a unique instrument name for vbank. The name parameter is used as a base and is modified, by appending a number, to make it unique (if necessary). The exclude parameter is used to exclude an existing vbank instrument from the search.

MT-Note: To ensure that an item is actually unique before being added to a VBank object, ipatch_container_add_unique() should be used.

vbank :

VBank item

name :

An initial name to use or NULL

exclude :

An item to exclude from search or NULL

Returns :

A new unique name which should be freed when finished with it.

Property Details

The "author" property

  "author"                   gchar*                : Read / Write

Author of file.

Default value: NULL

The "comment" property

  "comment"                  gchar*                : Read / Write


Default value: NULL

The "date" property

  "date"                     gchar*                : Read / Write

Creation date.

Default value: NULL

The "engine" property

  "engine"                   gchar*                : Read / Write

Synthesis engine.

Default value: NULL

The "name" property

  "name"                     gchar*                : Read / Write

Descriptive name.

Default value: NULL

The "parser-version" property

  "parser-version"           gchar*                : Read / Write

Parser version.

Default value: "1.0"

The "require-version" property

  "require-version"          gchar*                : Read / Write

Required parser version.

Default value: "1.0"