
IpatchVBankInst — VBank instrument item

Stability Level

Stable, unless otherwise indicated


#define             IPATCH_VBANK_INST_NAME_SIZE
IpatchVBankInst *   ipatch_vbank_inst_new               (void);
#define             ipatch_vbank_inst_get_regions       (inst)
IpatchVBankInst *   ipatch_vbank_inst_first             (IpatchIter *iter);
IpatchVBankInst *   ipatch_vbank_inst_next              (IpatchIter *iter);
void                ipatch_vbank_inst_new_region        (IpatchVBankInst *inst,
                                                         IpatchItem *item);
void                ipatch_vbank_inst_set_midi_locale   (IpatchVBankInst *inst,
                                                         int bank,
                                                         int program);
void                ipatch_vbank_inst_get_midi_locale   (IpatchVBankInst *inst,
                                                         int *bank,
                                                         int *program);
int                 ipatch_vbank_inst_compare           (const IpatchVBankInst *p1,
                                                         const IpatchVBankInst *p2);

Object Hierarchy



  "bank"                     gint                  : Read / Write
  "name"                     gchar*                : Read / Write
  "program"                  gint                  : Read / Write


VBank instruments are children of IpatchVBank objects and define individual instruments mapped to MIDI bank/program numbers and which reference items in other instrument files.



typedef struct _IpatchVBankInst IpatchVBankInst;



Maximum length of a virtual bank instrument name.

ipatch_vbank_inst_new ()

IpatchVBankInst *   ipatch_vbank_inst_new               (void);

Create a new virtual bank instrument object.

Returns :

New VBank instrument with a reference count of 1. Caller owns the reference and removing it will destroy the item.


#define             ipatch_vbank_inst_get_regions(inst)

ipatch_vbank_inst_first ()

IpatchVBankInst *   ipatch_vbank_inst_first             (IpatchIter *iter);

Gets the first item in an instrument iterator. A convenience wrapper for ipatch_iter_first().

iter :

Patch item iterator containing IpatchVBankInst items

Returns :

The first instrument in iter or NULL if empty.

ipatch_vbank_inst_next ()

IpatchVBankInst *   ipatch_vbank_inst_next              (IpatchIter *iter);

Gets the next item in an instrument iterator. A convenience wrapper for ipatch_iter_next().

iter :

Patch item iterator containing IpatchVBankInst items

Returns :

The next instrument in iter or NULL if at the end of the list.

ipatch_vbank_inst_new_region ()

void                ipatch_vbank_inst_new_region        (IpatchVBankInst *inst,
                                                         IpatchItem *item);

A convenience function for creating a new virtual bank region, adding it to inst and setting the region's referenced item to item.

inst :

VBank instrument

item :

Referenced item for new region

ipatch_vbank_inst_set_midi_locale ()

void                ipatch_vbank_inst_set_midi_locale   (IpatchVBankInst *inst,
                                                         int bank,
                                                         int program);

Sets the MIDI locale of an instrument (bank and program numbers).

inst :

Virtual bank instrument to set MIDI locale of

bank :

MIDI bank number to assign to instrument

program :

MIDI program number to assign to instrument

ipatch_vbank_inst_get_midi_locale ()

void                ipatch_vbank_inst_get_midi_locale   (IpatchVBankInst *inst,
                                                         int *bank,
                                                         int *program);

Gets the MIDI locale of a virtual bank instrument (bank and program numbers).

inst :

Virtual bank instrument to get MIDI locale from

bank :

Location to store instrument's MIDI bank number or NULL

program :

Location to store instrument's MIDI program number or NULL

ipatch_vbank_inst_compare ()

int                 ipatch_vbank_inst_compare           (const IpatchVBankInst *p1,
                                                         const IpatchVBankInst *p2);

Virtual bank instrument comparison function for sorting. Compare two instruments by their MIDI bank:program numbers. Note that this function is compatible with GCompareFunc and can therefore be used with g_list_sort, etc.

p1 :

First instrument in comparison

p2 :

Second instrument in comparison

Returns :

Comparison result that is less than, equal to, or greater than zero if p1 is found, respectively, to be less than, to match, or be greater than p2.

Property Details

The "bank" property

  "bank"                     gint                  : Read / Write

MIDI bank number.

Allowed values: [0,128]

Default value: 0

The "name" property

  "name"                     gchar*                : Read / Write


Default value: NULL

The "program" property

  "program"                  gint                  : Read / Write

MIDI program number.

Allowed values: [0,127]

Default value: 0

See Also
