
md5 — MD5 hashing functions

Stability Level

Stable, unless otherwise indicated


void                ipatch_md5_init                     (IpatchMD5 *ctx);
void                ipatch_md5_update                   (IpatchMD5 *ctx,
                                                         guint8 const *buf,
                                                         unsigned  len);
void                ipatch_md5_final                    (IpatchMD5 *ctx,
                                                         guint8 digest[16]);



ipatch_md5_init ()

void                ipatch_md5_init                     (IpatchMD5 *ctx);

Start MD5 accumulation. Set bit count to 0 and buffer to mysterious initialization constants.

ctx :

MD5 context

ipatch_md5_update ()

void                ipatch_md5_update                   (IpatchMD5 *ctx,
                                                         guint8 const *buf,
                                                         unsigned  len);

ipatch_md5_final ()

void                ipatch_md5_final                    (IpatchMD5 *ctx,
                                                         guint8 digest[16]);

Final wrapup - pad to 64-byte boundary with the bit pattern 1 0* (64-bit count of bits processed, MSB-first)

ctx :

MD5 context

digest :

Buffer to store 16 byte MD5 digest into